Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Almost the end of month 2, year 2011

I'm drinking my 2nd cup of reheated coffee,  that's a well over 10 cup batch of my husbands bitter and strong dose of trying to say 'I Love You' this morning.

I just, about five minutes ago, finished the first part to Audrey Niffenegger's The Time Traveler's Wife and I have to say it's nothing short of an excellent read and I will embark of Part Two tonight after my almost 16 month old trolls off to sleep.

Writing for me has been almost non existent lately.  What with life and all and it's been pretty bitter for me.  Although I have been reading a ton more now with me promised to go off to school this summer to start working towards my book store!  My hubby also bought me the new Nook Color so my reading is now guaranteed!  However, even though my two novels, Dear Molly and The Diversion....I've begun a short story piece, that I don't know, mite turn into a novel.  Anyway I call it Poppy and it's a lot different to what I'm familiar with coming from my mind to my pen to paper and so I'm just playing with it!  If I tend to like it I'll send a tasty tid bit your way!

I'm also going to enjoy a creative writing class via B&N next month so I'm gearing myself back up to flow back into the rhythm of MY life.

My Life of coffee rig stains, dog-eared pages, scraps of paper with random written across it, and ink stains on the bed sheets.

For now I'm off to finish my bitter coffee, hoping I won't have to reheat this bitter monster once again, and to wash dishes and do a mountain of laundry before my sister gets in town Friday. Giving myself 2 days of cleaning, well now a day and a half, to kind of tidy up our little space in the world as she will be staying with us, and her love is like a twister and by Sunday at her departure, I will not be writing you but taking up a job in Maid Service! In my own home. And without pay. Sounds like America folks!

Chow my fellow readers, writers, followers or just plain stumblers!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Many a Sorry's

I owe each and every single one of you a huge ol' FAT sorry!  I haven't been writing you for well like a month but I have very good reasons and I will give a small explanation.  It has nothing (sadly) to do with haven a writing Eureka moment or anything.  My daughter was having medical attention with an sedated MRI and physical therapy and I'm just happy to announce that everything we thought was wrong has turned out to be A oh K =) So this mommy is supper happy and is very blessed!

On top of the worries over my daughter, we recently moved and are looking into buying a house (buy buy renting) and I'm also looking into taking classes to get me this much closer to owning my book store.  So because of life my writing has suffered immensely and so has my blog and I apologize. 

Today marks day five of having the head cold and so I'm hoping for a nap, to read a little more in my latest novel indulgence (The Time Travelers Wife) and then to start writing again.  Wish me luck and have a wonderful Valentines Day tomorrow.  If you have no snuggle buddy be sure to hang with the friends or your mom/dad.....someone!  Valentines day is to show love...not only to a hubby/boyfriend ect!!!