Friday, December 3, 2010

As A Newb.....

Even though I've been writing since I was a small kid; there's a difference from writing a poem or book idea while waiting for a friend at the local Starbucks and being a well to do published writer!

And that is why I have taken advantage of considering myself a Newb to the writing seen even though I've been writing forever.

I have just completed NaNoWriMo 2010 and actually won crossing the line with 50,000 words and my book wasn't even completed!  And now I will be finishing up my book and then going to go through the tedious job of editing!  And then I get to fight the publisher type sharks, cry my way through writing a query and hopefully in the end rejoice when I get a bite!

This blog will be noting all the ups and lows of a Newb to the writing scene and I'll also be giving you tid bits from my writing! Wish me luck and enjoy my complicated task of becoming published for the first time.

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