Friday, December 3, 2010

A little taste of Dear Molly; Freshman Year

February 24th 2006
            Dear Molly,
I’m really glad it’s Friday, because I get to spend the night tonight here at Kim’s house and I’m super excited!  I haven’t spent the night here at her house in a while and I love her mom!
We’re planning on ordering Hong Kong (which is the best local Chinese restaurant) and watching sappy chick flicks!  Since her mom is going out for the night, so it will just be me, Kim and her brother with the house all to our selves!
My writing project actually turned out quite decent; my words were:


And this is what I came up with:


Humanity had never beheld such beauty,
Yet beauty had more then one quality to behold,
No key on any piano, or a tune out of any lung,
Held the grace and harmony that did she,
She was cunning and clever,
Yet never attended a day of school,
Her memory was sharper then an arrow,
And it pierced the hearts of many,
She never was proud or anxious,
Deceiving or dull,
For she was only a dream,
A memory perhaps from long ago,
Yet now, she was only a dream.

So yeah; that’s what I wrote…it’s not the best but I thought it was decent!  My teacher seemed to really like it as well which is a good thing.  I really cherish her opinion because I really adore her writing!
Well, I’m gonna go hang with Kim and eat Hong Kong.
                                                      Love Always,

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