Monday, December 6, 2010

As the rain falls....

     Yesterday my family and I sure enjoyed some of the finest the holiday season has to offer!
We celbrated St. Nicholas day with my parents eating German yummy food, opening our boots and as seen in the daughter was hamming it up for the camera while I baked her favorite cookies and kept sneaking her cookie dough!  After lunch was complete, my mom and I cut cupons and then I let her read a few paragraphs for a new book idea I've written over the past week that I'm pretty excited about!  Now that I have my moms thumbs up I'm sure I'm gonna go through and try to develope it while working on wrapping up Dear Molly; Freshman year!
     Later in the evening my hubby and I had a couple of our good friends over with their sweet little 3 month old daughter for dinner and watching the Ravens/Steelers game (don't expect me to pick a team....I don't understand sports!)  But after I got my baby fix, eat my hubbys yummy burgars and watched the boys freak at the tv during the whole game (so violant...there was a broken nose!) And they went home I finally got a chance to sit at this computer and work on Dear Molly....and may I say it's really comming along.
     By January I should be ready to send out my manuscript and start praying like a nun for this book....and you should do the same =)  Now today is gracing me with no winter cheer or snow but a down pour of ice cold rain (which I'm sure will turn to my least favorite black ice soon) so I am going to be a smart blond and stay in today, drink coffee, play with my daughter and continue to slave away on my book!
     Wish me luck!

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