Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Yo Ho Yo Ho the writing world for me

Ever since Sunday; I've been hard at work editing Dear Molly in hopes to get it a full and complete manuscript to send out by January!  But with Dear Molly so close to completion I've been dabbling in a new book idea and have death threats from friends and family for the cliff hangers in the few paragraphs I've written.  So  I guess I will be focusing on that a bit more and I'll post tasty tid bits full of cliff hangers for you to chew on!

I also went through and wrote my first magazine article that I plan to send out Friday (to hopefully start getting this writing gig ball rolling!) I need to publication and the money won't hurt since the hubby's transmission is going out and we'll be soon donning the task of remodeling a house!

Wish me luck.

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