Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Off topic. subject. to the point of the matter.

I know; I know...This blog is supposed to be SOLID about me...as a new writer....and my trials and tribulations with that endeavour of a dream.

But this is also I guess a "fan site" for those who are into my work, and well, when I make it big I guess I can see you as rooted fans? I'm not sure, but today I have nothing about my writing world to write you today.  Yesterday I took a previous blog on how I felt getting my first rejection letter, deleted it off of here and have revamped it and made it into a magazine article.  And sent it in.  So I'm still writing, I'm still working towards getting published.  I also worked on chapter two for The Diversion.....which is a MAJOR still in progress but I'm liken what I'm pulling out of my mind and soul and I have good feelings about this one, I'm to say the lest VERY proud of it.

So for my "fans".....my day was no good.  My daughter learned how to pull her self up last night and also how to scale our apartments stairs....I was so proud of her and full of joy.  Until our cat who had already made it clear she wanted NOTHING to do with my daughter when she had learned to crawl.  Well, when my daughter pulled herself up on the chair the cat was sitting on...the cat took a swat and scratched her and of course my daughter whose believed the cat and her to be best friends....this was more then an "owie" pain!  So this morning my husband and I, after waking up seeing our daughters scratches that were i mean millimeters from her right eye, made the tough choice to take the cat to a NO-KILL shelter and made sure the people working it knew she could no go to a home with other pets or kids.  I then had the "marvelous" idea of using that good ol' trusty Craigsist.com and posted in the pets section asking locals to see if they knew of a small mutt of a dog that we could trust around our daughter........I was then harassed ALL DAY on what a terrible mother I was and how I was a moron and no one should trust me with their pet.  If I didn't feel like crap before those postings started raining in, I sure did then!  And if the icing on my cake of day wasn't enough...AT&T disconnected my phone...saying I hadn't paid...which trust me I can't live without my phone I'M A 20YEAR OLD MOM.....I NEED MY PHONE!  AND My daughter killed me my crawling around crying..."Cat...cat..."
I know I did the right thing, even though it's bitter with no sweet, but wish it was easier to swallow.  I knew parenting would be tough.  But I was rived up fro tantrums, sleepless nights, dr appointments, stains and sloppy kisses.....not breaking my sweet 15 month old girls heart!  Wish I could write an article about that, but if I have an audience like I did on criagslist.com I say no thank you.
Praying tomorrows better.  Hoping I get sleep.  And for now I'm listening to some good music, and gonna facebook it up for a bit.

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