Monday, December 20, 2010

Far too long since!

I truly apologize for not writing for so many days!  This past weekend was a bit more the hectic and besides the fact that I got maybe 20 words writing and maybe one page edited; I had no time to write you and update you on what little was to be updated!

After baking for close to ten hours in total on Friday; Saturday was filled with fixing my cars flat, running around getting last minute gifts, and the hubby and I got those memory foam pillows - very comfy I mite add!  We also delivered the baked goods my mom and I had baked the day before.  Sunday of course, the was supposed to be day of rest, turned into a hosting frenzy with people coming in and out of our house and my so wanted and needed nap never happened!

So sadly, I enter the week exhausted and tired and ready to gulf down the coffee and enter into my books worlds.  While trying not to act like a kid looking forward to Christmas Eve and Christmas.  But it's difficult when my toddlers so excited!  Have a wonderful, and safe, last week before Christmas!

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