Wednesday, January 19, 2011

As my toddler screams.

Good evening. Wow, well for starters I'm gonna tell you how wonderful it feels to sit down.  Like just sit down!  Here is my day (for those who can agree, for you to understand my sheer relief to sit, and just to inform you, wither you care or not.)
  • Washed Chewy
  • Washed my daughter
  • Vacuumed down AND upstairs
  • Washed bedding
  • Did 3 loads of laundry
  • Dishes, washed and put away
  • Cooked breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks
  • Took Chewy and my daughter on a walk again
  • Answered the phone
  • Cleaned the bathroom
  • Organized all the stuff my daughter has out grown
  • Started to pack (we move next weekend)
  • Picked up toys several times
  • Let Chewy do his business (several times)
  • Took a shower myself
And somewhere in between all that I even got to paint my toe nails and actually shave my whole leg, not just the part my skirts show! SHOCKER.  Now, I know there are moms/dad/guardians who do ten times this amount of stuff, and in all reality this is a usual day for me.  But in the winter I get so drab, like I'm moving in slow motion...and laundry will stack up, vacuuming upstairs never happens because lugging the vacuum up 16 steps is far too close to a work out for me and all I want to do is sleep!  But this week, even though it's January, our town has now been blessed with two days (yes count um...One, Two) that gave a us a little hint that spring is just around the corner...that winter is started to deplete and for someone who's favorite seasons are Summer and Fall and NO WHERE near liking winter the least bit, this is a glorious sign.
I'm, weary for how busy this summer actually is going to be (I'm planning on making a list of all I want to do, not need to do, so all of the things that make a summer a summer won't get left out.)

Yesterday I finished The Book Thief and it was a pretty good read.  Being German it was fun to have the few German words and sentences thrown in there!  And before I called it a night, I started reading Undressing the Moon by T. Greenwood.  I only got 20ish pages in because then the hubby got home from work, and with it being midnight, sleep was needed.  I'll continue tonight and keep you posted.

My writing as far as Dear Molly standing still, not collecting dust though.  I keep looking at it, and wondering how and what I want to do with it.  I have only sent in one e-mail submission and it was obviously denied.  Which in all reality is not even trying to get it published...but I keep looking at it....knowing it needs more work then just editing....I just don't know what exactly.  But The Diversion is ripe and juicy in my mind.  I keep coming up with ideas for it and seriously, I cannot wait for some time this weekend to just sit down and work on it!  So as soon as I do, I'll let you know.  I'm also planning on working on a few more articles.  Getting a few articles published for magazines seems to easiest and quickest way to not only make a few extra dollars but to get my name published, which seems to be what every publishing house is looking for.  They want to know that their not sticking their neck out too far for you.  Which seems kind of rude in all seriousness since your sticking your neck smack dab under the Guillotine of theirs.  But hey, I guess it's not so much a game as it is a wallet and how much there is to gain (if not loose) so I can understand and that's why I'm focusing more on those articles for now.

Well, when I started this entry I had just put my daughter down for bed and she was not happy for me.  So along side the dogs snores and the dryer her toddler tantrum throwing screams were my background, writing music.  But now she is silent and well, snoring it's time for me to get a few last things done and then it's up to bed to read and call it a night for myself as well.

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