Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bells and Whistles

Bring in the New Year I say!  Bring it in with bells and whistles.  Let everyone rejoice in the time of not only reflection and renewal but the chance of accomplishing things we never thought possible for our selves.

This my dear fellow bloggers is the attitude I'm ringing in my new year.  I am determined to get my name in the writing world.  I don't wish to take it by force like Stephanie Meyer or Suzann Collins, I just wish to make an indent in my voyage to become an author.

What, my dear friends, is your New Years resolution, goal, mind set?

Friday, December 24, 2010

Ho Ho Ho

I am so very merry sorry for not writing for a few days.  With te holiday rush, my toddler && everything in between I've hardly had to time to sleep!

Things have been slow with my writing due to the holidays so I'm hoping on Sunday I can  get a nap and start working on my books again!

Have a merry wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Count Down

Yesterday in the words of my writing was a bust.  I won't lie, I did practically nothing.  I had every intention of getting a good chunk done but the house was begging to b clean and it really needed it.  Knowing I won't have time this crazy busy weekend till Sunday I figured it be best to go along and start deep cleaning the house so it won't be a hurricane come Friday!

My little toddler in training had refused to take a nap yesterday and I thought with this she'd give me a good night's worth of sleep.  This she did not do however, and after her 1AM wake up call lasted till 3AM of her talking away in her crib, this mommy writer could not fall back asleep until a little past 5AM!  I feel like a zombie.  So I have ever intention of getting off the computer after this blog, make lunch for my hubby who goes to work at 2pm so I can take a nap when the toddler goes to bed!

After my hopeful nap I am gonna sit down and write.  I'm editing Dear Molly.  And gonna start working on a few articles I thought of in my wake up call hours of just laying there in bed.  So wish me luck!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Far too long since!

I truly apologize for not writing for so many days!  This past weekend was a bit more the hectic and besides the fact that I got maybe 20 words writing and maybe one page edited; I had no time to write you and update you on what little was to be updated!

After baking for close to ten hours in total on Friday; Saturday was filled with fixing my cars flat, running around getting last minute gifts, and the hubby and I got those memory foam pillows - very comfy I mite add!  We also delivered the baked goods my mom and I had baked the day before.  Sunday of course, the was supposed to be day of rest, turned into a hosting frenzy with people coming in and out of our house and my so wanted and needed nap never happened!

So sadly, I enter the week exhausted and tired and ready to gulf down the coffee and enter into my books worlds.  While trying not to act like a kid looking forward to Christmas Eve and Christmas.  But it's difficult when my toddlers so excited!  Have a wonderful, and safe, last week before Christmas!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Off goes Dear Molly!

Well my dear friends. Through this editing process I'm starting to come down to the wire on Dear Molly; Freshman Year I'm starting to be able to send out Manuscript Submissions for it.

Today I sent out the very first two Manuscript Submissions for it for two e-mail required submissions!  I'll wait till I've completed edited the full manuscript before sending out the mail submissions!  But I'm still very excited and hoping I get a bite or two! I really believe in these books and myself.  And I know this is where I belong!

I felt so nervous sending out the Manuscript Submissions.  Thinking I had done absolutely everything wrong!  Which I mite have but I doubt I did it as entirely bad as I believe I did!  So keep your fingers crossed and hopefully by next year this time Dear Molly; Freshman Year will be in book stores!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Yo Ho Yo Ho the writing world for me

Ever since Sunday; I've been hard at work editing Dear Molly in hopes to get it a full and complete manuscript to send out by January!  But with Dear Molly so close to completion I've been dabbling in a new book idea and have death threats from friends and family for the cliff hangers in the few paragraphs I've written.  So  I guess I will be focusing on that a bit more and I'll post tasty tid bits full of cliff hangers for you to chew on!

I also went through and wrote my first magazine article that I plan to send out Friday (to hopefully start getting this writing gig ball rolling!) I need to publication and the money won't hurt since the hubby's transmission is going out and we'll be soon donning the task of remodeling a house!

Wish me luck.

Monday, December 13, 2010

A hundred pages + two hundred pages = a manuscript

I am thrilled to announce I got to print out my very first FULL manuscript yesterday to edit through again!  This is the last step before it goes off to the agents and publishers!

I am on cloud 9 and just so excited!  And I feel so proud of myself!  I know this is what I was meant to do!  And there is nothing that's gonna stop me.  Not even a few "no's" from a publisher or twenty!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Click. Click. Click.

Not going to get much writing or editing done today.  My beautiful daughter has her Christmas photo shoot and I wouldn't miss it for a page of editing ever!

She loves the camera so much.  It makes me so happy to see her so happy!  So today's gonna go to some major family time.  And then we're haven a few friends over so my daughter can have a play date with their daughter and us adults can talk! Should be a wonderful day!

Enjoy this holiday season Saturday (and be safe from crazy shoppers!!!!)

Friday, December 10, 2010

A Lightbulb & A Plan of Action

I'm so happy to announce to you that I have a plan to get my book Dear Molly; Freshman year published!  I have found some amazing publishers and a Ebook program that will get me to where I want to be.

I also read an awesome article out of a magazine last night and I now know how to get this writing career of mine off the I'm so excited and proud of myself as well.  I am on the road to becoming an author not just a writer!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Random Blah

Yesterday was a day of getting out of the house.  Laying down my pen and my editing cap and getting out of the house with my daughter and mommy! It was greatly needed and I feel like I can go back to my two books day with a full steam ahead type approch.

I really wish I would be only working on one book at the time instead of two.....and that was how it was until the writing gods or something blessed me with the BIGGEST lightbulb that I couldn't ignore it.  When I get closer to being finished with Dear Molly; Freshman Year I'll be sure to start posting yummy tid bits from it!

I'm really getting exciting for January when I will send off Dear Molly to publishers!!!!  Keeping my fingers crossed but I'm sure I'll be able to find the correct publisher! And while my book is flying first class around the nation I can get to focusing on the other book *exciting*!!!!

I will conclude with a bit of wisdom....during the holiday season, try finding your inner child, believe in magic and don't waste every last doller on every gift's worthless in the end.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


What may cause a wounded bird to fly?
            To break the silence of the dawn,
Pain floats through and it lets out a cry,
            NO longer does it hold a melodious song,

What may turn the head of a wounded deer?
            To stir up the woodlands calm,
Now all its muscle body knows is fear,
            NO longer can it sing the praises of a Psalm,

What may force a wounded fox to run?
            To awaken sleepers of the night,
Even though left behind it’s to protect it’s young,
            NO longer will it see justification to those contrite.

NO longer does it hold a melodious song,
            NO long can it sing the praises of a Psalm.
                        NO longer will it see justification to those contrite,
            NO longer can the human feel its soul.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A weekly taste of Dear Molly

March 2nd 2006
            Dear Molly,
I’m not sure what could be better then a rainy B-day but it would have to be pretty fantastic like meeting Orlando Bloom or winning the Noble Peace Prize! However; I didn’t sadly get to meet that sexy Mr. Bloom today nor did anyone award my awesomeness with the peace prize… absolutely nothing been my wonderful day enjoying the rain, paining in my Art class, getting to right an opinion essay in English (and also read a few chapters in that awesome book Animal Farm,) and then getting to freelance write in Creative Writing class!
And after school if it couldn’t get any better, my mom picked me up so I wouldn’t have to walk in the rain (not like I would have minded) but also so we could go get a cup of coffee between her clients so we could talk since we hadn’t been spending a ton of time together lately, and that’s mostly my fault!
It was so nice to just be able to not have my mom busy with a client or me in my own little world and to just sit there and talk.  Even if it was just 30 minutes, it was 30 minutes that added whip cream to my day!
To add my cherry was Karlly coming over for a few hours just to do homework together and to enjoy listening to the rain tickling my roof which I am so thankful is a metal one!  Because with it being so blessedly metal I can hear every drop of rain that falls on it and it’s a heavenly sound to these ears of mine!  So much better and more calming then snow, or hail or sleet!
In Creative Writing we went over a poem by E. E. Cummings and I absolutely love it.  It’s called “I Carry Your Heart”:

I carry your heart with me,
(I carry it in my heart),
I am never without it,
(Anywhere I go you go,
My dear; and whatever is done,
by only me is your doing my darling),
I fear no fate,
(For you are my fate, my sweet),
I want no world,
(For beautiful you are my world, my true),
And it's you are whatever a moon has always meant,
And whatever a sun will always sing is you,

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows,
(Here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud,
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows,
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide),
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart,

I carry your heart,
(I carry it in my heart),

I had never heard of E. E. Cummings before, but after this poem I’m a huge fan and in total love of this poem (like I already said!)
There is something so wonderful yet so simplistic about the words in this poem that just captivated not only my ears and my mind, but my heart as well!  And it’s kind of hard I think for it not too!
I mean, “Here is the deepest secret nobody knows, here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud”…….Here is the deepest secret nobody else knows on this planet as simple as it may be that I am completely in love with you and you alone are the only one I am this in love with!  I mean that’s practically what he’s saying!  And this poem is for more then just a lover, I mean how many times to I feel like this for my parents or Karlly?  For each exceptionally special person in your life you have a “love” for them that isn’t a romance form of love.  It’s a love that only you life slipping away can end and even then you are sure that your love for them will still linger on!
Idk why, but this poem just struck me so well and I really adored it! And that’s why I’m sharing it with you Molly, because even though we’ve never met and I’ve never known you I feel so connected you and I adore you so deeply!  You will never be forgotten little sister.
Seriously, I wish I could have a promised day like this every single week!  That would be awesome….I mean not knowing of course when that day would be…but to at lest know that “hey, even after a crappy week, or series of days, your gonna have a one day break to make you smile and happy!”  Wouldn’t that be friggn awesome?  I think so and I vote YES on this!!!!!
Although, besides being no where near 18 so I couldn’t even vote on this issue at hand I doubt politics or anyone else for that matter besides God could make this a possibility to vote on at the polls and I really doubt that God will!  He wants me to learn how to see my glass half full more days then half empty!  At lest I’m sure of this!
I just realized how friggn long this entry is and I’m so oober sorry Molls lol. I better close here before you get a novel instead of an entry!
                                                     Love Always,

Monday, December 6, 2010

As the rain falls....

     Yesterday my family and I sure enjoyed some of the finest the holiday season has to offer!
We celbrated St. Nicholas day with my parents eating German yummy food, opening our boots and as seen in the daughter was hamming it up for the camera while I baked her favorite cookies and kept sneaking her cookie dough!  After lunch was complete, my mom and I cut cupons and then I let her read a few paragraphs for a new book idea I've written over the past week that I'm pretty excited about!  Now that I have my moms thumbs up I'm sure I'm gonna go through and try to develope it while working on wrapping up Dear Molly; Freshman year!
     Later in the evening my hubby and I had a couple of our good friends over with their sweet little 3 month old daughter for dinner and watching the Ravens/Steelers game (don't expect me to pick a team....I don't understand sports!)  But after I got my baby fix, eat my hubbys yummy burgars and watched the boys freak at the tv during the whole game (so violant...there was a broken nose!) And they went home I finally got a chance to sit at this computer and work on Dear Molly....and may I say it's really comming along.
     By January I should be ready to send out my manuscript and start praying like a nun for this book....and you should do the same =)  Now today is gracing me with no winter cheer or snow but a down pour of ice cold rain (which I'm sure will turn to my least favorite black ice soon) so I am going to be a smart blond and stay in today, drink coffee, play with my daughter and continue to slave away on my book!
     Wish me luck!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Holiday Cheer......powerful writing?

I have a possible light of today being St. Nicholas day (as I was raised German) is it possible with the snow lightly but at a full speed falling, and gingerbread coffee it such "happy times" can give fuel to the writing process and editing?

Well, that's gonna be my theory to prove right or wrong today...of course after the festivities of the holiday in light.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

As the snow falls

Well, as the snow fall's I get to brave the mini Idaho blizzerd and run a few errands before I come home to work on editing my manuscript.

I some how prefer the driving in the snow over editing....guess that's what editors are for?  Eh, I want to first edit it myself, just to get me in the saddle.

I managed to trip over my pj pants (that I was wearing) at the top of our stairs last night and slid down it like it was some bumpy slide.  Oh I'm laughing at myself because the clumsyness is just apart of my blondness, however, I'm now moving slower then a train with no coal or flames!

Thankfully.....bumps, bruses, and scrapes don't amount to effecting one's writing ability!

Off to weather the storm....the snow storm that is!

Friday, December 3, 2010

A little taste of Dear Molly; Freshman Year

February 24th 2006
            Dear Molly,
I’m really glad it’s Friday, because I get to spend the night tonight here at Kim’s house and I’m super excited!  I haven’t spent the night here at her house in a while and I love her mom!
We’re planning on ordering Hong Kong (which is the best local Chinese restaurant) and watching sappy chick flicks!  Since her mom is going out for the night, so it will just be me, Kim and her brother with the house all to our selves!
My writing project actually turned out quite decent; my words were:


And this is what I came up with:


Humanity had never beheld such beauty,
Yet beauty had more then one quality to behold,
No key on any piano, or a tune out of any lung,
Held the grace and harmony that did she,
She was cunning and clever,
Yet never attended a day of school,
Her memory was sharper then an arrow,
And it pierced the hearts of many,
She never was proud or anxious,
Deceiving or dull,
For she was only a dream,
A memory perhaps from long ago,
Yet now, she was only a dream.

So yeah; that’s what I wrote…it’s not the best but I thought it was decent!  My teacher seemed to really like it as well which is a good thing.  I really cherish her opinion because I really adore her writing!
Well, I’m gonna go hang with Kim and eat Hong Kong.
                                                      Love Always,

As A Newb.....

Even though I've been writing since I was a small kid; there's a difference from writing a poem or book idea while waiting for a friend at the local Starbucks and being a well to do published writer!

And that is why I have taken advantage of considering myself a Newb to the writing seen even though I've been writing forever.

I have just completed NaNoWriMo 2010 and actually won crossing the line with 50,000 words and my book wasn't even completed!  And now I will be finishing up my book and then going to go through the tedious job of editing!  And then I get to fight the publisher type sharks, cry my way through writing a query and hopefully in the end rejoice when I get a bite!

This blog will be noting all the ups and lows of a Newb to the writing scene and I'll also be giving you tid bits from my writing! Wish me luck and enjoy my complicated task of becoming published for the first time.